Zip Books

What is Zip Books?
Zip Books is a grant program funded by the California State Library that provides library users with a way to access books that are not available in the current collection. The item is shipped directly from Amazon to the patron. When finished, the patron will return the item to the library and the library will add the item to our collection to share with the rest of the community!
The Zip Books program is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California and administrated by the California State Library.
This program concludes on June 30, 2025, or when we run out of grant funds, whichever comes first.
Who can request an item?
The patron’s account must meet the following requirements:
- The patron must be a current Buena Park Library card holder. The patron must have an adult patron card.
- The patron must be an Orange County, California resident.
- The patron's address must be current.
- Patron’s account must be in good standing, meaning no outstanding charges for any lost or damaged items.
- Library account must be at least six months old and in good standing.
What can I request?
Most books can be requested through Zip Books, but they must meet the following criteria:
- Any item that is not currently in the Buena Park Library's collection.
- The item must be either a print book, large print book, a World language book or audiobook on CD.
- The item must be in stock on Amazon Prime and not out of print. There would be a symbol like this, that appears by the item:

- The item cannot be sold through a third-party seller on Amazon.
- A print book, world language book, or large print book cannot exceed the cost of $40.00 before taxes.
- An audiobook on CD cannot exceed the cost of $75.00 before taxes.
- The item cannot have a pre-order status.
- No test-prep books, textbooks, workbooks, print-on-demand, or activity books may be requested.
The item will be reviewed depending on the availability of the item and the suitability of the item for addition to the collection. Not every item requested may be approved. You will be notified whether the library is able or not able to fulfill your request.
How do I make a request?
- Complete and submit the form that can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Only a physical home address can be used for delivery of the items.
- The e-mail submitted on the form must be active and current in order to receive communication regarding your request and any follow-up emails regarding the item.
- A patron can only request 1 item per calendar month.
- Requested books must be returned to a Buena Park Library staff member.
- The previous item must be returned to the library before you can make another request.
- The patron will not be allowed to make any future requests if the items are not returned.
What happens after my request is submitted?
- Library staff will contact the patron through email for updates regarding the review of your request, the eventual purchase, and when the item will be shipped to the address provided.
- If the item does not arrive by the estimate provided, please contact us through e-mail.
- The item can stay in the patron's possession for up to three weeks.
- The patron will receive periodic reminders to return the item if they have not done so within the allotted time.
- If the item you have requested is received from Amazon damaged, please notify us immediately and bring the item in with the original packaging and the Amazon packing slip.
How do I return the book or CD?
- The item cannot be returned in the book drop.
- The item must be returned with its original packaging and Amazon packing slip.
- The item must be returned directly to a staff member.
- The item must be returned in good condition.
- If the item is not returned or returned damaged, the patron's account will be billed for the cost of the item.
- If the item is not returned or returned damaged, you will be billed the cost of the item. You will be ineligible to make any future Zip Book requests.
What if my item is damaged when I receive it?
- Please contact us immediately and bring the item with its original packaging and Amazon packing slip to the library. Hand the item to a staff member and the original packaging and slip ( if included). Let the staff know that the item was received damaged.
What if I lose my requested item?
- The patron may be billed the cost of the item lost. The patron will be unable to participate in the program until the cost is paid or the item is found.
I have read and understand the following terms and conditions stated:
- I can submit a request for 1 item per month and can only request another item when the previous has been returned in good condition.
- The book will be delivered to my address as indicated on the request sheet by Amazon.
- I will return the item directly to a Buena Park Library staff member with its original packaging and Amazon packing slip.
- My account will be charged full price of the item if it is not returned or returned damaged.
Do you meet all the requirements?