
Brownie Book Chat

Kids 12 years old and younger, join us on Zoom to share about your favorite book and hear about other kids' favorite books while we all snack on brownies in a cup.

First, pick up a brownie kit from the children's desk between August 1-6 (while supplies last).

Second, at 6:15 p.m. on Thursday, August 11, ask a grownup to help you make your brownie in a cup.

Third, at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 11, join the Zoom meeting with your brownie for our brownie book chat.

UCCE Master Gardeners of OC - Composting with Worms

Composting with Worms – maintaining a worm bin for small space composting 

UCCE Masters of Gardeners of Orange County defines compost as biologically active material that results from decomposition of organic matter under controlled circumstances. What role do worms play in helping this process?

Join us on Zoom, Saturday, July 9th  at 11am, to learn all about the process and how to create and maintain your own worm bin for small space composting.


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